Welcome to the home of Jesse Frechette, LCSW Jesse is an educator, coach, facilitator, and psychotherapist with a practice deeply rooted in the art and craft of mindfulness. He is also the founder and director of Center Mindful. Read His Bio » Center Mindful Center Mindful, a physical space turned virtual in the wake of COVID-19, is a haven for centering from the heart. Here, individuals and couples, families and groups, are welcomed to and instructed on the art of mindfulness through engaging instruction. Explore Programming Services. Offerings. Jesse has been supporting the individual life journey through one-on-one and group practice for more than twelve years, leveraging mindfulness for a more self-compassionate life. Explore Offerings »
About the


Jesse Frechette, LCSW is a licensed clinical social worker backed by a Masters in Social Work from uPenn and has been teaching and coaching people in the practice of mindfulness to increase compassion and well-being for more than a decade. His practice spans a variety of individual and group competencies:
  • Mindfulness Coaching
  • Individual Psychotherapy
  • Group & Family Therapy
  • LGBTQIA+ Therapy
  • Children & Teen Therapy
  • Sand-Tray Practice
  • Ceremonies & Presentations
  • Retreats & Workshops
Start Healing

Jesse Frechette, LCSW

Mindfulness Coach & Educator, Psychotherapist
Welcome to my website! It’s a pleasure to digitally make your acquaintance, and I’m grateful that you are making this connection. My work is to educate and guide on the practices and benefits of mindfulness and provide mindfulness-based and trauma-informed psychotherapy to help teens, adults, families, schools, work places, and community organizations to change their relationship to stress, become more mindful of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and cultivate greater awareness and compassion toward self and others. Our work together helps to support wellness in all aspects of home, work, school, and community life and in relationship with ourselves and others.

How can I help?

Use this form to get in touch with coaching, therapy, and other general inquiries. I’ll be in touch shortly.

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